Core project
Our main project is NetSurf, an open source web browser. As part of the work on NetSurf, several other resources have been developed. These sub-projects are available separately from NetSurf, so that they may be used by developers of other software.
- Hubbub
- HTML5 compliant parsing library
- LibCSS
- CSS parser and selection library
- LibDOM
- DOM library
- LibParserUtils
- Parser building library
- LibWapcaplet
- String internment library
- Libsvgtiny
- SVG Tiny library
- Framebuffer Abstraction library
- Libnsbmp
- BMP and ICO decoding library
- Libnsgif
- GIF decoding library
- LibROSprite
- RISC OS Sprite decoding library
- Iconv
- RISC OS character encoding support module
- RUfl
- RISC OS Unicode font library
- TTF2f
- Font converter to RISC OS format
- Tinct
- Advanced RISC OS Sprite plotting module
- Libpencil
- RISC OS Drawfile export library