Development Progress
This page provides an indication of the current status of various features and gives an idea of where future development will be aimed. Features are split up as follows:
Last updated 20 December 2012
Title | Status | Notes |
Web standards | In progress | Most of HTML 4 and CSS 2.1 are implemented which enables NetSurf to access most of the web, however, JavaScript support is currently at a very early stage of development. This means NetSurf currently lacks support for dynamic content. |
User interface (RISC OS) | Nearly done | RISC OS interface is mature. |
User interface (GTK) | In progress | The nsgtk user interface is sufficient to allow web browsing and supports many features expected of a web browser. |
Documentation | In progress | Much of the core functionality and RISC OS specific features are documented. There is very scant documentation for nsgtk. |
Web standards
Title | Status | Notes |
Cookies | Nearly done | User interface to handle invalid cookies not available. |
CSS 1 | Nearly done | |
CSS 2 | Nearly done | |
CSS 3 | Just started | Some of the selectors have been implemented. |
HTML 4 | Nearly done | |
HTML 5 | Just started | An HTML 5 compliant parser is being developed. |
HTTP 1.1 | Complete | |
HTTP Authentication | Complete | |
HTTPS | Complete | |
DOM Level 0 | Just started | Core mostly complete. |
DOM Level 1 | Just started | Core mostly complete. |
DOM Level 2 | Just started | Core mostly complete. |
DOM Level 3 | Just started | Core mostly complete. |
JavaScript | Just started | Details on the User Information page. |
Important HTML features
Title | Status | Notes |
Forms | Nearly done | |
Frames | Nearly done | Margin attributes are unimplemented. Frames affect back / forward navigation and history thumbnails. |
Image Maps | Complete | |
Lists | Complete | |
Tables | Nearly done | Elements col, colgroup, rowgroup and caption not implemented. Extra space is divided equally among columns instead of in proportion with content width. |
CSS features
Title | Status | Notes |
Selectors | Nearly done | CSS 1 and CSS 2 selectors implemented. Most CSS 3 selectors are implemented too. |
Pseudo-classes | Nearly done | |
Pseudo-elements | Nearly done | |
Media types | Nearly done | NetSurf currently only uses the screen-targetted CSS, even when printing. |
@import | Complete | |
Cascade | Complete |
CSS properties
Title | Status | Notes |
background-attachment | Not started | |
background-color | Complete | |
background-image | Complete | |
background-position | Complete | |
background-repeat | Complete | |
background (shorthand) | Complete | |
border-collapse | Complete | |
border-color | Complete | |
border-spacing | Complete | |
border-style | Complete | |
border-[top|right|bottom|left] | Complete | |
border-*-color | Complete | |
border-*-style | Complete | |
border-*-width | Complete | |
bottom | Complete | |
caption-side | Not started | |
clear | Nearly done | Some issues with floats remain. |
clip | Complete | |
color | Complete | |
content | Not started | |
counter-increment | Complete | Can't be used until content property is implemented. |
counter-reset | Complete | Can't be used until content property is implemented. |
cursor | Complete | |
direction | Not started | |
display | Complete | |
empty-cells | Not started | |
float | Nearly done | Some issues with floats remain. |
font-family | Nearly done | Only generic font types are recognised, not specific font names. |
font-size | Complete | |
font-size-adjust | Not started | |
font-stretch | Not started | |
font-style | Complete | |
font-variant | In progress | Small caps not done. |
font-weight | Complete | |
font (shorthand) | Complete | Dependent on the status of individual properties. |
height | Complete | |
left | Complete | |
letter-spacing | Not started | |
line-height | Nearly done | |
list-style-image | Complete | |
list-style-position | Not started | |
list-style-type | Nearly done | |
list-style (shorthand) | Complete | Dependent on the status of individual properties. |
margin-[top|right|bottom|left] | Complete | |
margin (shorthand) | Complete | |
marker-offset | Not started | |
marks | Not started | |
max-height | Complete | |
max-width | Complete | |
min-height | Complete | |
min-width | Complete | |
orphans | Not started | |
outline-color | Not started | |
outline-style | Not started | |
outline-width | Not started | |
outline (shorthand) | Not started | |
overflow | Complete | |
padding-[top|right|bottom|left] | Complete | |
padding (shorthand) | Complete | |
page | Not started | |
page-break-[after|before|inside] | Not started | |
position | In progress | Fixed position not implemented. |
quotes | Not started | |
right | Complete | |
size | Not started | |
table-layout | Not started | |
text-align | Complete | |
text-decoration | Complete | |
text-indent | Complete | |
text-shadow | Not started | |
text-transform | Complete | |
top | Complete | |
unicode-bidi | Not started | |
vertical-align | In progress | Only implemented for table cells. |
visibility | In progress | |
white-space | In progress | |
widows | Not started | |
width | Complete | |
word-spacing | Not started | |
z-index | Not started |
Image support
Title | Status | Notes |
Artworks (RISC OS) | Complete | Requires AWRender. |
BMP | Complete | |
Drawfile (RISC OS) | Complete | |
GIF | Complete | |
ICO | Complete | |
JNG | Complete | |
JPEG | Complete | |
MNG | Nearly done | Interactive features aren't supported. |
PNG | Nearly done | Gamma correction is not correct for PNGs with alpha channels. |
Sprite (RISC OS) | Complete | |
SVG Tiny (RISC OS) | In progress | Via Libsvgtiny. |
SVG (GTK) | Complete | Via rsvg. |
RISC OS specific standards
Title | Status | Notes |
Acorn URI Protocol | Complete | |
Ant URL Protocol | Complete | |
Plugin Protocol | Not started | Old, dodgy implementation removed. |
NetSurf features
Title | Status | Notes |
Advertisement Blocking | Complete | |
Buffered Rendering Options | Complete | Substantially improves the display of content. Details in the User Guide (RISC OS). |
Configuration (RISC OS) | Complete | |
Configuration (GTK) | Nearly done | |
Disc Cache | Not started | |
Dithering (RISC OS) | Complete | Gives improved rendering in sub true colour screen modes. Both simple dithering and error diffusion available. |
Documentation (RISC OS) | Nearly done | See the contents page. |
Documentation (GTK) | Just started | Currently only build instructions exist for nsgtk. There is no user guide. |
Downloads (RISC OS) | Complete | Following a link to a file NetSurf can't render opens the download dialogue box. |
Downloads (GTK) | Complete | |
Find Text (RISC OS) | Nearly done | Doesn't find phrases if they are split across lines. |
Find Text (GTK) | Nearly done | |
Full Save (RISC OS) | Nearly done | Save pages with CSS files and images. Doesn't rewrite URLs for CSS background images. |
Full Save (GTK) | Nearly done | |
History - Global (RISC OS) | Nearly done | Details in the User Guide. |
History - Global (GTK) | Nearly done | |
History - Local (RISC OS) | Complete | Details in the User Guide. |
History - Local (GTK) | Nearly done | |
Hotlist / bookmarks (RISC OS) | Nearly done | Details in the User Guide. |
Hotlist / bookmarks (GTK) | Nearly done | |
Interactive Help (RISC OS) | Nearly done | |
Interactive Help (GTK) | Nearly done | Extensive tool tips for GUI but none for rendering area. |
Memory Cache | Complete | |
Printing (RISC OS) | Complete | Details on the RISC OS User Information page. |
Printing (GTK) | Complete | |
Proxy Support | In progress | Protocols other than HTTP are incorrectly proxied. |
Save as Drawfile (RISC OS) | Nearly done | Embedded drawfiles aren't exported when saving page as Draw. (Draw is a RISC OS vector graphics format.) |
Save as Text (RISC OS) | In progress | Some issues with spacing out of text. |
Save as Text (GTK) | Not started | |
Scale View (RISC OS) | Complete | Web pages and images can be scaled up and down. |
Text Selection | Nearly done | Text selection in text areas is incomplete. |
Themes (RISC OS) | Complete | Themes are available from the NetSurf themes page. |
Themes (GTK) | In progress | |
Toolbar Customisation (RISC OS) | Complete | Toolbars can be customised to show the icons you want, in the order you want. Details in the User Guide. |
Toolbar Customisation (GTK) | Not started | |
Unicode Font Support (RISC OS) | Nearly done | Details on the RISC OS User Information page. |
Unicode Font Support (GTK) | Complete | |
URL Completion | Complete | When typing a URL into the URL bar, NetSurf will display suggestions for the full address. |
View Source (RISC OS) | Complete | Press F8 or Page > View source on main menu. |
View Source (GTK) | Complete |